
the mysteriously returned package

i mailed this package of two necklaces to australia on september 6, 2007 and they never arrived to my customer. lo and behold they showed back up in my mailbox on december 28th... almost 4 months after i mailed them.

no idea why.

i triple checked the address and it was correct (i covered the address with paper in the picture to protect the addressee) and the replacement i sent to the same address did get to the there after 8 days. hmmm.

i'm so curious as to why it didn't make it to it's destination. i guess i should just be happy i got it back!

oh, the usps!


The Bookish Life said...

oh no! bizarre. you should add this to the FUSPS group on flickr, ha!

mud and mint said...

good idea andrea... i think i will!

gorgeousredhead said...

no, the same thing happened to me!! I sent a package internationally and it came back to me - I checked the addresses, checked with the buyer to make sure the address is correct and to see if she knew why it would have happened, and she didn't. I sent out another one and it got there fine! Same address, same postage, everything. weirdness

Kara said...

HOW STRANGE, I mean what can they do with it all that time, well at least they came back home

'Cuz I Felt Like It! said...

You're lucky you got it back! I've had SEVERAL packages sent overseas to just disappear totally! I just quit mailing outside of the US because of it!

emilymomto3boys said...

wow, that is weird! I got my earrings today - Love them! (I think they are perfect with the silver though....I may have to buy another pair in silver and just deal with the itchy factor, lol! Let me know if you ever do use any white gold!)

I posted a pic of the earrings I got on my blog the other day - I hope some people shopped with you!
